Saturday, June 03, 2006

Time to Start Saying Little Stuff

Harsh World
Originally uploaded by vaticloupe.
This is one of the best shots I've gotten recently, and I think one of the best shots I've ever gotten with my Tokina (the 24 - 200 mm "superzoom" of questionable optical quality) in terms of composition. And yes, tilting the camera was intentional.

In other news, my Etymotic ER-6is canal phones seem to be dying. I've temporarily replaced them with a pair of the Sony EX-71s, which are better than the stock Apple Pod buds (and I like the stock buds, as far as regular earbuds go) but the Sonys just don't compare to the Etys. They're muddy sounding, with too much bass (they go down to 6 Hz, for Christ's sake), while the Etys, coming out of a studio mindset, are quite neutral (although still more bass heavy than the original Ety ER-6s).. It'll cost me $76 to replace the 6is through Etymotic, grrrrrr.


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