Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New cell phone to prevent drunk dialling

The LP4100 has a built-in breathalyzer that, when blown into, gives a warning and displays a nifty little animation of a car swerving on a road and crashing into traffic cones. (It should be easy for the tipsy mind to understand.)

read more | digg story

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Places We've Been

The Places We've Been
Originally uploaded by vaticloupe.
Gasworks is just absurdly picturesque, and not because of the view of Seattle one has from there.

Time to Start Saying Little Stuff

Harsh World
Originally uploaded by vaticloupe.
This is one of the best shots I've gotten recently, and I think one of the best shots I've ever gotten with my Tokina (the 24 - 200 mm "superzoom" of questionable optical quality) in terms of composition. And yes, tilting the camera was intentional.

In other news, my Etymotic ER-6is canal phones seem to be dying. I've temporarily replaced them with a pair of the Sony EX-71s, which are better than the stock Apple Pod buds (and I like the stock buds, as far as regular earbuds go) but the Sonys just don't compare to the Etys. They're muddy sounding, with too much bass (they go down to 6 Hz, for Christ's sake), while the Etys, coming out of a studio mindset, are quite neutral (although still more bass heavy than the original Ety ER-6s).. It'll cost me $76 to replace the 6is through Etymotic, grrrrrr.